Saturday, August 25, 2018

Almigo brews a beer #3 - The Bazweigan

A visit to the local brew shop, secondary fermenting and learning to love some pink looking powder. It's all happening here in our latest brew, a blonde ale just in time for the visiting Father in law...(That's of course him in the funky head wear..)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Temp control to major Tom

Something a little different this weekend - playing around with some bits and pieces at home to make a small scale temp control container. The idea being that if small scale worked then I could work on building a bigger one as a place to store my fermenting carboy and keep it at constant temp.

Trust me, I have half an idea about what I'm doing. 

AKA I don't have a spare fridge and let's see what we can build hey? #genius

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Midnight Pirate - okay, who decapitated my beer?

So we're a day early from tasting day - but it was one of those Saturday work shifts where time stood still and yet everything and anything happened at once. Coupled with a handful of hours worth of sleep and the kids wanting to play for hours as soon as I got home from work...well suddenly waiting one more day to taste your latest home brew doesn't seem to be that important.

A tasty pirate it looks to be!

But seconds into the pour, I did wonder exactly what happened had happened to the poor pirates head..