Friday, July 14, 2017

Kosciuszko Pale Ale - Climb mountains in search of fruit

In my previous job on the occasional Friday the sales manager (hi Tim!) would walk around with a choice of two beers for staff members to unwind with. I forget what the first one was but the second was usually a Kosciuszko Pale Ale and from memory it didn't go down too badly after a big week. So roughly 9 months on, would sipping this beer take me back to those heady days of trying to get everything done in record time so I could arrive home before the sun went down?
Would I want to climb mountains for the next one?
And if I'm going to climb mountains, does anyone know where my warm gloves are?...

So since I've tried this before and the blog is all about experiencing new brews, why is this here? Because it was a pretty poor selection on the shelves of Vintage Cellars on the day I came calling and I picked the best of a bad lot (completely overlooking the strange melon and beer bastard son sitting in the corner). So beers I've already tried in the last year, here we go!

HOW MUCH DID IT SET YOU BACK?: I forget and the website doesn't give me singles price for some reason. About $4 something sounds familiar.

INITIAL THOUGHTS: Nice fruity nose. The head is small and scoots off into the either pretty damn quick. Tucking into it mere seconds after a big day in the fridge makes it super crisp and very palate cleansing to start - there's not much going on here until it warms up slightly and the fruit and hops flavor starts to appear. I'd say more hops than fruit though - strange because I remember more fruit flavors back in those busy office days (or maybe because I would have happily drunk the diesel out of the work van after a particularly rough week) perhaps someone did some tweaking since then? Still nice after a big day.

WHAT IT WOULD GO WELL WITH: Friday sales team drinks. People who enjoy mountainous scenery on the front of their brews. A big bowl of bar nuts.

OVERALL: Let's call this a Toyota Corolla. It works just fine, it just won't any races nor blow your hair back. Now, can I interest you in some radio advertising?

3 out of 5 budget breaking sales reps.

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