Tuesday, November 6, 2018

One man, one can = half a plan

So since kicking off the home brewing thing earlier this year, I've been an all grain type of beer maker. Mash and sparge the grains, boil the wort, throw in some hops and hope for the best. The thought of using an extract can (where the mashing, boiling and sparging have been done already for you - you just add water, yeast and other bits and pieces to the goop in the tin) has never crossed my mind. 

Until one went on special for a ridiculous price... 

I say ridiculous because it was down to $6.30 AUD for the tin/can. Considering that just by using the yeast that comes with it and nothing else you could still make 23 litres of okay lawnmower beer (beer you'd happily slam down after a hot arvo pushing around your lawnmower) my rough maths works out that at 375mls a bottle, we're looking at:

23000mls / 375 = 61 bottles. 

$6.30 / 61 =  0.10 cents per bottle of beer..

That's a tonne of stupidly cheap beer. Now as much as I'd happily plough through that much basic beer (it'd take me a while) my lovely better half has been asking if I could make her a beer she'd be happy to drink..

So after thinking about it for a bit, I hatched a plan and one late Friday night I got things rolling..

Thankfully after one week fermenting away, it hasn't died a nasty oxygenated death like my red-x batch and we can now create our very first fruit beer..

This is where things got a little...well...messy.

Bottling day rolled around way too quick and it was then that I found I had a bit of a problem. A minor one really when trying to bottle your entire batch...

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